31-01-2025, 04:33 PM

الكتاب مفقود ...... ارجو ان تستفيدو منه

Table of Contents
Crackproof Your Software—The Best Ways to Protect Your Software Against Crackers
Chapter 1: Basics
Chapter 2: Cracking Tools
Chapter 3: The Basic Types of Software Protection
Chapter 4: CD Protection Tricks
Chapter 5: Program Compression and Encoding—Freeware and Shareware
Chapter 6: Commercial Software Protection Programs
Chapter 7: Anti?Debugging, Anti?Disassembling, and Other Tricks for Protecting Against
Chapter 8: Protecting Against Breakpoints, Tracers, and Debuggers
Chapter 9: Other Protection Tricks
Chapter 10: Important Structures in Windows
Chapter 11: Suggestions for Better Software Protection
" اللهم أحسن خاتمتنا وأخرجنا من الدنيا علي خير"