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AsmDude Assembly syntax highlighting for Visual Studio 2022 support - نسخة قابلة للطباعة

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+--- الموضوع : AsmDude Assembly syntax highlighting for Visual Studio 2022 support (/thread-3029.html)

AsmDude Assembly syntax highlighting for Visual Studio 2022 support - R333T - 19-03-2022


until this moment (19 March 2022) there no official published on vs extensions store, but i found on comment on beta version worked  lol
إقتباس :Asm-DudeAssembly syntax highlighting and code assistance for assembly source files and the disassembly window for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019. This extension can be found in the visual studio extensions gallery or download latest installer AsmDude.vsix (v1.9.6.14). If assembly is too much of a hassle but you still want access to specific machine instructions, consider Intrinsics-Dude.

[صورة مرفقة: AsmDude-label-usage.png]

[صورة مرفقة: AsmDude-doc-links-2.png]

[صورة مرفقة: AsmDude-code-completion.png]

Download it form official comment by the developer :  nice


Backup download on attachment  Smile